That’s why we welcome referrals at any point in the litigation process. Your clients can truly benefit from the library of pleadings, depositions, and experts that focus directly on winning your Legionnaires’ case.
Legionnaires Disease Attorney Referral
Although most lawyers know their client and the law generally, cases dealing with Legionnaires’ disease can involve very unique legal as well as medical causation, and source identification issues. Not every lawyer has dealt with these types of highly-complex cases and their unique legal challenges.
If you would like to review some of our recent successes click here to download a recent Federal Court decision favoring insurance coverage on a legionnaires’ disease claim; and for a State Court Appellate decision you can click here (North Carolina case). Additionally, the CDC conducted a recent study into two cases of Legionnaires’ disease on cruise ships – cases in which we were instrumental in ensuring that victims received the compensation they deserved.
Our approach is not to take over your case, but to enhance the case using unknown State and Federal Guidelines that are not routinely relied upon by practitioners with support from recognized experts on Legionella. Working with other attorneys around the country through our Legion Law USA team of lawyers helps victims suffering from exposure to Legionnaires’ disease get MORE for their injuries.
Do You Have a Case?
Are You Entitled to Compensation?
Meet The Legionnaires’ Lawyer – Johnny Denenea:
For over 30 years, Johnny Denenea has been a steadfast advocate for individuals impacted by Legionnaires’ disease, a severe form of pneumonia caused by exposure to Legionella bacteria.
Based in New Orleans and helping clients nationwide, Johnny has built a reputation for navigating the complexities of this highly detailed area of law and scientific challenges, working with clients to understand their legal options and secure meaningful resolutions.
Contact The Legionnaires’ Lawyer for a Free Consultation
You pay absolutely nothing unless we are able to receive a settlement or jury award for your case.